
VirtualSC was featured on the March 2015 edition of the Quality Matters’ Newsletter. Our own Jamie Bugner, Curriculum Coordinator, was interviewed for the Subscriber Spotlight section of the online bulletin.

In November 2014, VirtualSC partnered with Quality Matters (QM), a leader in quality assurance for online education which has received national recognition for its peer-based approach to continuous improvement in online education and student learning. This venture is part of VirtualSC’s continued commitment to quality and accessibility in online education. With this partnership, VirtualSC places itself at the vanguard of a worldwide movement aimed at certifying the quality of online and blended courses.

Currently, all of our VirtualSC teachers are hard at work applying the principles of QM’s K-12 Secondary Rubric to their courses as taught in the workshops offered by QM. Likewise, our subject area Team Leaders are in the process of becoming Quality Matters Certified Peer Reviewers, taking VirtualSC’s participation in the landscape of online education to the next level.

QM’s Newsletter acknowledges: Completion of the K-12 APP workshop helped solidify faculty understanding of the course design process and how things like framing can change a learner’s experience in a course. “It’s important to specify how each standard is met, and why it’s important to make course information available to interested parents and school administrators,” Jamie said. “Quality Matters has also helped to open up the discussion about accessibility and how this affects our learners, courses, and program as a whole.”

There will be many exciting developments in our program this year as VirtualSC gears up to align all of its courses to QM’s accessibility standards. Stay tuned to our blog to learn more about our program.

You can read the full QM article on VirtualSC here.

Jason Rodgers is the Technology Coordinator for VirtualSC.

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