Elementary Keyboarding
The Elementary Keyboarding resource gives you everything that you need to provide Keyboarding instruction to elementary students.
Through the expressed needs and inquiries by districts and schools across the state, VirtualSC realized the need for a keyboarding program offered statewide. The Elementary Keyboarding Program supports personalized and customized education for every student through an online choice option for keyboarding instruction.
The primary objectives of the Elementary Keyboarding Project are:
- To provide instruction in alphabetic keyboarding to students in grades K-6.
- To provide instruction and practice in navigation through online open educational resources and activities.
- To provide opportunity for students to compose paragraphs, short answers, or essay responses at the keyboard in a timely manner from writing prompts provided in the course.
TypeTastic for South Carolina Elementary Keyboarding Program
TypeTastic introduces better tools for user management, such as:
- Improved district management with the ability to add and manage an unlimited number of schools
- Easy school management with all essential data including classes and teachers in one place
- New district admin and school admin roles
- Improved privacy layers
- Advanced reporting
- Clever integration
- ClassLink integration
This resource is a non-credit bearing resource aimed at providing South Carolina students with keyboarding experience. TypeTastic includes a complete K-6 keyboarding resource with more than 700 activities and Digital Literacy and Computer Science K-5 Curriculum aligned with SCCSDL Standards. Watch your students embark on a thrilling adventure while becoming fluent typists and digital citizens. With Teacher Dashboard you can easily keep track of student progress and edit settings.
Click on Elementary Keyboard Program Digital Literacy to review our digital literacy offerings.
Contact Sharon Dublin at (803) 734-3160 or swdublin@ed.sc.gov for more information.
Participating School Districts
Abbeville County School District
Aiken County Public Schools
Anderson School District 2
Anderson School District 3
Anderson School District 5
Beaufort County School District
Berkeley County School District
Chester County School District
Chesterfield County School District
Clover School District
Dillon 4
District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties
Dorchester 2
Dorchester School District Four
Edgefield County School District
Florence School District Five
Fort Mill School District
Georgetown County School District
Greenwood 52
Greenwood School District 50
Hampton County School District
Hannah-Pamplico Elementary/Middle School
Jasper County School District
Kershaw County School District
Laurens County School District 56
Lexington 4
Lexington School District Three
Lexington School District Two
Marlboro County School District
McCormick County School District
Newberry County School District
Oconee County School District
Orange Grove Charter School
Orangeburg County School District
Pickens County
Richland 2
Rock Hill Schools
Spartanburg 2
Spartanburg 3
Spartanburg 5
Spartanburg District Four Schools
Spartanburg School District One
Spartanburg Seven
Sumter School District
Ware Shoals School District 51
Williamsburg County School District
York School District 1
Keyboarding Resources & Information