Final Exam Information

Click on a tab below to find out more information about the various types of exams required by VirtualSC.

VirtualSC Final Exams End of Course Exam Program (EOCEP) Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

VirtualSC Final Exams

All VirtualSC initial credit courses require a proctored final exam. VirtualSC final exams will be given during the times scheduled according to the Dates & Deadlines guide for each enrollment session.

Public school and private school students will be proctored as arranged by their sponsor school. The date, time and location for the final exam will be selected by the sponsor school and will (unless you are notified otherwise) correspond to the exam dates listed in the Dates & Deadlines guide. Alternative exam arrangements must be approved by the sponsor school (different time, location, proctor, etc.). Students may find information regarding final exam arrangements for their school by accessing the Final Exam Student Glossary. Please note that this information is self-reported by each school and the most accurate source of information regarding final exam dates/time/locations is the student's sponsoring school. Students should contact their sponsor schools upon enrollment in the case that there any concerns about the scheduled exam dates. 

MonitorEDU spring 2025 registration coming soon.

Students in need of virtual proctoring can register on the MonitorEDU website for VirtualSC students.

Below is important information to consider and/or share with students in need of this service:

  • Virtual proctoring is optional for VirtualSC students and should be used by those students who are unable to be proctored by their sponsoring schools.
  • Because MonitorEDU is a third-party company, a $15 fee, per exam, is required. The fee is paid by the student/parent/guardian directly on the MonitorEDU webpage.
  • Only students over the age of 13 may use this service.
  • Students must meet the technology requirements as posted on MonitorEDU’s website to use this service.
  • Students must be able to verify their identification using a photo ID.

If a student needs assistance with registering for a virtual exam, please see our tutorials at the bottom of this page.

Home school students or their parent/guardians are responsible for securing an appropriate proctor to facilitate the final exam. Exam proctors must hold a South Carolina Educator Certificate, and cannot be related the student taking the exam. To receive approval for an exam proctor, please submit the Proctor Verification Form to VirtualSC. Upon approval, VirtualSC will contact the proctor with final exam instructions.

Alternatively, a home school student or their parent/guardian may contact a local public or private school to request a seat during their proctored exams. If a school is willing to accommodate the request, the student will take their final exam on the date and time provided by the school.

End of Course Exam Program (EOCEP)

The End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) is state-mandated and requires students completing the following VirtualSC courses to take the final EOCEP exam, which counts as 20% of the student’s final grade:

Algebra 1

Intermediate Algebra

Biology 1

English 2 

English 2 Honors

US History & Constitution

AP US History & Constitution

Because this is a state-mandated exam, VirtualSC students in the courses listed above must take these exams; this includes public, private and home school students (students enrolled in charter schools and Adult Education programs are considered public school students). VirtualSC students must take their EOCEP exams, per the EOCEP testing guidelines, at the end of the semester in which they are scheduled to complete the course. 

Public School Students

Students sponsored by public schools will take their EOCEP exam through their sponsor school. Students must communicate with their school counselors to confirm the date, time and location of the testing site.

Private School Students

Private school students will have their EOCEP exams administered by VirtualSC at regional designated testing locations.  For more information please contact Ms. Katina Montgomery at or 803-734-0016.

Home School Students

Home school students will have their EOCEP exams administered by VirtualSC at regional designated testing locations.  For more information please contact Ms. Katina Montgomery at or 803-734-0016.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

Students taking AP courses are required to take the appropriate exams according to the national AP exam schedule. While VirtualSC encourages all students to take the AP exam, we are not an official testing site and cannot administer the exams. The student’s sponsor school is required to order and administer the exam according to the national calendar.

Upon scheduling their exam, students should notify their VSC AP teachers of the testing site information.

Public School Students

  • AP students sponsored by a public school must make testing arrangements with their school. Please see your school testing coordinator for the dates and deadlines relating to this process. Please contact Katina Montgomery at if additional questions arise.

Private and Homeschool Students

  • AP students sponsored by a private or homeschool must contact AP Services to receive the contact information of AP Coordinators who have identified willingness to test outside students. Please contact Katina Montgomery at for information on the dates and deadlines for this step.
  • AP students sponsored by a private or homeschool are responsible for securing a testing date, time and location for the AP exam. Students and parent/guardians, with the assistance of the sponsor school, must contact the local public school to make testing arrangements.
  • Students should have several contingency plans for alternative testing sites either in their zoned district or in a nearby district. Please note that some schools or districts may charge a small fee to reserve a seat for AP testing. Most schools will refund this fee when a student arrives to take the exam.

NOTE: Students enrolled in AP U.S. History and Constitution must take both the EOCEP exam and AP exam for the course. Students enrolled in AP Biology must take both a VirtualSC final exam and an AP exam. Please refer to both the EOCEP and AP exam sections in this manual for more information. Contact Katina Montgomery at if you have questions or concerns.