2019-20 National Latin Honor Society Qualifiers

Junior Classical League

The following VirtualSC students qualified for the National Latin Honor Society for the 2019-20 school year.


Membership in the NLHS requires students to maintain an A in their current Latin course. Each student who elects to become amember receives a certificate. We congratulate all those students who qualified!

Teachers: Tracy Seiler and Casey Moore

Madison Ackroyd

Anna Ball

Benjamin Black

Andrew Brain

Ashleigh Currier

Fordham Daniels

Alexander Dhabliwala

Zachary Goodwin

Peyton Gregory

Jenna Hofseth

Caleb Johnson

Lyda Keefer

Elizabeth Keels

Joshua Kull

Juliana Lundgren

Alex Minnich

Michael Moran

Kyan Sapko

Caroline Scott

Harrison Scott

Odette Seiler

Hailey Sparks

Hannah Stanley

Allison Swyt

Paul Vehige

Regina Vehige

Daniel Wade

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