Top VirtualSC Technology Questions: Answered

Now that you’ve started your VirtualSC course, you have surely asked a few questions here and there about how it works, or how to troubleshoot a technical issue. Perhaps you feel you’ve reached a roadblock due to a technology issue? Our trusty IT Coordinator, Jason Rodgers, has answered the top five technical questions from students, below.

Q: Ahhhh!  My internet is not working.  What do I do?

A: This might sound simple, but have you checked the plugs?  Is your router and/or modem up and running?  This error has a simple fix and happens more than people realize.  Next, I would check that your device is connected to the correct network.  Just for example, around the office we have a dozen networks; just have to make sure you attach your device to the correct one. Lastly, sometimes a connection is “on” but further up the line there is a problem.  Can you possibly use a different internet connection? Perhaps tethering to your phone is an option, or get permission from your parent/guardian go to a place with free wi-fi (coffee or donut anyone?) One extra piece of general information is to work to finish a project at least a day early so you don’t have to rush to make sure it is uploaded on the due date.

Q: Why can I not move forward in my class?

A: The most common reason is that a forum assignment has not been completed. To expound on that, most of our forum assignments require an initial post and then a response to at least two other posts made by your classmates.  Secondly, some items require that you make a certain grade on a previous assignment. Maybe the requirement was an 80 and you made a 75.  In this case, you would need to retake the previous assignment and achieve the required score.  Thirdly, and actually very similarly to the last example is; has a past lesson actually been completed?  Just looking at and clicking around does not constitute a completed assignment.  Make sure you have clicked the “submit” or “finish” button to check off the assignment. Lastly, there might be an item that is needing to be manually graded by the teacher – if you just completed the item given the teacher at least 24 hours to get back to you. Beyond that period of time, message them in the Dashboard.
Boy Studying near fountain
Q: I forgot my username/password. What do I do?

A: First, have you tried the recovery tool on the login page? Look for the words “Forgot your Login and/or Password?”  Click on it for an easy reset.  This, however, would require you to know the email address listed in the system for your account.  If you do not receive the email, or you cannot access it then you will need to contact a member of Student Services at 803-734-8039.  While you are on the phone with them, request to fix your email in the Dashboard as well.

Q: Do I need to have a particular computer type/software/browser?

A: No as the simple answer (but it’s not that simple!). However, some Business and CATE classes specifically reference Microsoft Office software like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. While there may be workarounds for some items, the class content will NOT be edited to other software packages like Open Office or Pages.  Secondly, any modern browser should be fine in the system. Currently 73% of our users prefer Chrome, 13% are on Safari, 7% on Firefox, 5% on Edge, and the other 2% is a random mix.  Notice that IE (Internet Explorer) is not listed.

Q: I’ve logged in and clicked around, why am I not passing? I thought VirtualSC classes were going to be easy.

A: While, some classes might be “easier” to some, you should plan your time just as you do for a brick and mortar class. Do not expect 30 minutes each weekday in a class as enough. You need to spend time on the homework and the projects that each class offers, just like you do for a course at your high school. Some classes are more involved and require face time for live demonstrations and conversations. The expectations of classes are that when you finish a given class that you are well prepared for the next class.

Still need help? The first stop you should make is with your VirtualSC teacher. You can message your teacher in the Dashboard, or alternatively, you may locate your teacher’s other contact information at the very top of your course page.

The VirtualSC Student Services Team is also here to help! Give them a call at 803-734-8039 between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday, if you need additional support.






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