Student Code of Conduct

Although our classroom environment is virtual (online), the standards of behavior are as important as they are in brick and mortar schools. In other words, our virtual classrooms are real classrooms with real teachers; therefore, appropriate student behavior is expected. To ensure that all VirtualSC (VSC) students understand how to behave in an online environment, we have developed a code of conduct that all students are required to follow. This code of conduct addresses student interaction with VSC faculty, staff, and other VSC students, as well as their individual actions. The following rules apply to the Moodle classroom and live session environments.

Interactions with VirtualSC Faculty and Staff

1. Students should address all VSC faculty and staff members as adults with the courtesy expected for education professionals. They are to use both the appropriate title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr.) and last name only. No other form of address is acceptable.

2. Students should phrase communications with VSC faculty and staff in a polite and courteous manner appropriate for speaking to adults. The tone of emails and phone conversations must be respectful.

3. Since our online environment is a learning environment, students should not use excessive “slang” or language that they might use in other environments. Students must communicate with teachers in complete sentences.

4. Students are not to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language or images in any communications with VSC faculty and staff. These actions are prohibited as indicated in R43-279.

5. Students must use a profile picture and video feed background that is appropriate for an educational environment. The VSC faculty & administration reserve the right to determine if a profile picture or video feed background is inappropriate. Students using an inappropriate profile picture or video feed background will be required to update their settings. Moodle profile pictures should be a head-shot of the student only (shoulders, up) and may not be offensive or inappropriate in any manner. 

6. Students must use an email address that is appropriate for an educational environment. Email addresses that use profanity or may otherwise be construed as offensive, shall not be permitted in correspondence with VSC faculty and staff. The VSC faculty & administration reserve the right to determine if an email address is inappropriate for the educational environment.

Interactions with Other VirtualSC Users

1. All communications with other students enrolled in VSC must be of a course-related nature. Any sending of unsolicited email to other VSC classmates is prohibited.

2. All communications with other students in any forum, course related email, discussion post, etc., must be polite, courteous and respectful.

3. The integrity and authenticity of student work is something that we take seriously and check using a variety of technologies. Copying the work of others, allowing others to knowingly copy a student’s work, and/or misusing content from the Internet could result in removal from our courses with a failing grade. Students are expected to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy that is accepted as part of enrollment in our courses.

4. Do not collaborate with other students (work with) on your VSC assignments unless directed to do so by your teacher. Working together is useful in the traditional classroom, but it is not permitted in our online environment without specific teacher instructions to do so. In addition, parents or any other individual who is not the student may not login to a student account and complete coursework on behalf of the student.

5. Students are not to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language or images in any communications with other VSC students. These actions are prohibited as indicated in R43-279.


Appropriate Use of the Internet

1. VSC students are subject to all local, state, and federal laws governing the Internet. Consequently, program administrators will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to illegal activities conducted through Internet access.

2. In the event there is a claim that a student has violated this policy, he/she will be notified of the suspected violation and given an opportunity to present an explanation.

3. Any student that violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action that may result in removal from VSC course(s), as well as other disciplinary or legal action.


Disciplinary Action

Violations to the VSC Student Code of Conduct will initiate the following procedure:

1. Upon the violation, the teacher will complete and submit the VSC Student Code of Conduct Reporting Form. This action will alert the VSC Student Services Team.

2. The teacher or Student Services Manager will notify the student, parent, and sponsor that the student has violated the code.

3. Based on the report, the Student Services Team will determine what, if any, disciplinary action must be taken.  A violation of the VSC Student Code of Conduct will result in a disciplinary action and may result in the withdrawal of the student in the VSC course(s) or removal of the student from the VSC program.

4. A student in violation of the VSC Student Code of Conduct is also subject to discipline by his/her home district/school per the district/school’s discipline policy.