Virtual Learning Resources

Are you looking for ways to keep your student(s) engaged during the extended school closures due to COVID-19? We've developed and compiled free resources designed to keep South Carolina students learning.

Covid-19 Resources

Beginning March 16, 2020 all South Carolina public schools are closed through at least March 31 by executive order of Governor Henry McMaster.  VirtualSC has developed and compiled some resources for students and schools to assist in keeping students engaged while schools are closed across the state.  In addition to the resources provided below, students, parents, and teachers can refer to the VirtualSC video portal for free video content developed by VirtualSC:

This list of resources will be updated regularly as more resources become available.

Last updated:  March 18, 2020.

Resources for Students and Parents

Supporting Digital Learners Guide

Supporting Digital Learners

Parental support of students is critical to their success as digital learners.  VirtualSC has developed a…
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EdReady Access Video

EdReady Student Navigation 2020 (Video 2:37)

Learn how to navigate EdReady for math skills building for middle and high school students in…
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Resources for Districts and Schools

Delivering Effective Digital Instruction Guide

Delivering Effective Digital Instruction

The resources included in this guide can assist teachers in providing eLearning support to students across…
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Digital Learning Guide

Digital Learning Tools Guide: A Guide for Teachers

This VirtualSC created guide provides valuable information on tools for supporting digital learning.
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College Board Guide

Supporting Student Learning During School Closure

A quick reference sheet for AP teachers developed by the College Board.
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Emergency Remote Instruction Checklist

Emergency Remote Instruction Checklist

The Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI) Checklist is a list of actions, tips, and strategies that can…
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