IEP Policy
VirtualSC and Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) is committed to increasing students’ participation in educational programs where they will leave school prepared for life, post-secondary education, and careers. In support of building capacity to reach this goal, the SCDE is committed to ensuring that all children, including children with disabilities, have a free appropriate public education (FAPE).
VirtualSC (VSC) is an option for students, including those with disabilities who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs), to take courses for high school credit - provided that online courses are an appropriate instructional delivery method for the individual student. To ensure that the SCDE and VSC comply with applicable federal and state statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures governing educational programs for children with disabilities, the following SCDE policies and procedures apply[1].
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) -
The responsibility for providing FAPE in the LRE rests solely with the student’s home/resident school district (i.e., the school district sponsoring the student’s enrollment in one or more VSC courses). Students with disabilities must have available to them a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and access to and make progress in the general education curriculum. VSC is a supplemental online program and instructional delivery method, not a local educational agency or an LRE placement. It is the responsibility of the sponsor school district to carry out its obligations for:
- Child Find, including the evaluation and eligibility determination of any child suspected as having a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and State Board of Education regulation 43-243.1;
- Development of the IEP, including conferring with VirtualSC when determining accommodations for students who will enroll in VirtualSC courses;
- Ensuring school counselors and appropriate SPED staff meet to determine placement of SPED students in VirtualSC courses;
- Partnering with VirtualSC in the implementation of all accommodations and other pertinent components of the IEP;
- Reports of the student’s progress toward meeting the annual goals outlined on the IEP;
- Reviews and updates of the IEP on at least a yearly basis - but more often, and in consultation with VirtualSC - if the student is experiencing a lack of success in their virtual learning courses;
- Completing the required triennial reevaluation of the student;
- Assessment participation, including the receipt of any standard or nonstandard accommodations as outlined on the student’s IEP;
- Provision of all special education and related services to the student;
- Issuance of all special education notifications, including prior written notices and meeting notifications;
- Inclusion of parents (or the student if the age of majority has been reached) in the educational decisions made regarding the student and informing them of their procedural safeguards; and
- Provision of a FAPE in the LRE.
Enrollment Policies and Procedures -
Before Enrollment
Prior to enrollment of a student with a disability into one or more VSC courses, the IEP team at the sponsor school must consider whether an online instructional delivery method is appropriate for the student to receive a FAPE. The student’s IEP team should also determine whether or not the student’s accommodations can be provided through virtual learning (e.g., preferential seating close to the instructor is not applicable to online learning). Due to the unique design of virtual learning, extended time, as an accommodation, should be clearly described, preferably using an exemplar VirtualSC course pacing guide.
Each sponsored student’s IEP should show documentation of these considerations for a student to be permitted to enroll in one or more VSC courses (and subsequently receive a FAPE).
For students with disabilities who may not be pursuing a South Carolina high school diploma, the IEP team must consult with VSC to determine appropriate accommodations necessary for the student to receive a FAPE. The student’s sponsor school district is responsible for collaborating with VSC staff and/or faculty to ensure that the accommodations are provided. The student’s sponsor school district is responsible for ensuring that the VSC staff and/or faculty are aware of and implement the appropriate accommodations. It is highly recommended that the IEP team determine what accommodations would be suitable for an online learning environment and denote online accommodations clearly in the accommodations portion of the IEP.
Prior to enrollment, the student’s sponsor school district is responsible for any hardware or software, including assistive technology devices and services, necessary for the student to access the course.
Prior to the first day of class, the student’s sponsor school district is responsible for uploading accommodations documents for all students receiving services under the IDEA. The uploaded documents must include the specific component of the student’s student’s accommodations (Sections 3 and 6). Additional sections of the IEP may be requested at a later time by VSC, but only after consultation with the student’s case manager.
Because VSC is providing virtual instruction to the student, VSC and the SCDE have a legitimate educational interest and the authority to access the student’s educational records without parental consent, according to the IDEA and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Ensuring the confidentiality of the student’s information according to the IDEA and FERPA, VSC staff will only share the student’s IEP with the student’s teacher(s) and correspond with only permissible staff in the student’s sponsor school district (e.g., the special education case manager). Each IEP will be reviewed. VSC staff and/or faculty may contact the student’s sponsor or case manager to discuss relevant information regarding the student (including the provision of accommodations or the need for amendment/clarification).
During a student’s enrollment at VSC, the student’s IEP will be subject to periodic review (at minimum, at the time of student’s enrollment and after any updates have occurred). VSC staff will review the IEP to ensure that the listed accommodations are able to be provided in our program’s virtual learning program as specified in the student’s IEP. If there is a concern with the student’s documentation, or if the accommodation is one that can not be met as written in the document, the school and parent will be alerted about the concern. The student may be dropped (in accordance with the South Carolina Uniform Grading Policy [UGP]) if there is not a team agreement on comparable accommodations that considers student needs and the nature of the VSC program within 14 days of enrollment (or 14 days of notification of a concern). The team agreement should be in line with best practice - having accomodations denoted or adapted as appropriate for the virtual setting, including asynchronous instructional methods. These may be different from other online/blended methods. The agreement should be in the form of an amended or updated IEP for the student. Exceptional Learner Specialists are available and willing to be a part of teams and assist with consulting and reviewing IEPs for additional support.
Failure of the Sponsor School to adhere to the above responsibilities may result in an administrative withdrawal.
During Enrollment -
During enrollment, VSC will be responsible for the following:
- Providing those accommodations that are possible in virtual learning as specified on the student’s IEP. Examples of accommodations that may be provided by VSC include: clarifying/repeating directions; allowing the use of a dictionary/glossary; extended time (which must be outlined on the IEP relative to online learning and pacing guides); use of graphic organizers; notes, outlines, and instructions; and visual organizers. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of potential accommodations that a student may need to access an online course. Also, please note that these examples may not be possible in every VSC course.
- Maintaining the security and confidentiality of each student’s educational records in a manner consistent with the IDEA and FERPA.
During enrollment, the student’s sponsor school district will be responsible for the following:
- Providing each component of FAPE in the LRE as outlined on page one of this document;
- Providing each component as noted in the footnote;
- Monitoring the student’s progress in a course.
- Providing updated accommodations information to VSC within 48 hours following any action taken by the school district [2].
- Notifying VSC instructors of any information that may affect the student’s performance in or during the online course(s);
- Providing any technology necessary (including assistive technology) to support the implementation of accommodations;
- Providing any hardware or software accommodations necessary for the student to access the course;
- Providing accommodations necessary for the student’s participation in VSC or statewide assessments;
- Providing all special education and related services to (or on behalf of) the student, including accommodations and additional supports needed for a student with a disability
- Providing accommodations as outlined above.[3]
Please note that under its general supervision authority outlined in 34 C.F.R. §§ 300.149 and 300.600 through 300.604, the SCDE, Office of Exceptional Children, is required to ensure that each local educational agency within the state complies with all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations, policies and procedures governing educational programs for students with disabilities; and is responsible for ensuring that students with disabilities receive the services as outlined in their IEPs.
For more information regarding special education in South Carolina, please contact the SCDE, Office of Special Education Services, at 803-734-8224 or visit the Office of Special Education Services webpage.
For more information on the enrollment of students with IEPs in VSC courses, please contact Erica Smith at
[1]Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 34 C.F.R. §§ 300.1 through 300.818; SC State Board of Education Regulation (SBE R) 43-243; SCDE Special Education Process Guide for South Carolina
[2]The student’s sponsor school district is responsible for ensuring that the child receives all accommodations (instructional and testing) outlined on the student’s IEP. The sponsor school district is responsible for collaborating with VSC to determine how each student’s accommodations will be implemented. Neither the student’s sponsor school district nor VSC staff or faculty, may unilaterally change or determine that a specific accommodation can or cannot be implemented in a virtual learning program.
[3]The student’s sponsor school district is responsible for issuing IEP Progress Reports consistent with the timelines outlined on the student’s IEP and recording and reporting all course grades via report cards (and interim report cards if applicable) regarding the child. The student’s sponsor school district may seek input from VSC relative to reporting progress; conducting re-evaluations; and reviewing and updating IEPs as required by the IDEA. If relevant, the Exceptional Learners Specialist may be contacted for additional information and consultation about the student’s general performance at VSC.